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Cyber Privacy Tips: Securely Store Secret Questions

Securing your online accounts goes beyond just strong passwords. Secret security questions, often used as a secondary form of authentication, require the same level of protection. Treat the answers to these questions as you would treat passwords.

Here are some key tips:

1. Use Complex Answers: Avoid easily guessable answers. Treat them like passwords—use a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters.

2. Store Securely: Never store answers in plain text. Use a password manager to securely store both your passwords and secret question answers.

3. Avoid Repetition: Don’t use the same answers for different accounts. Unique answers for each question add an extra layer of security.

4. Be Cautious: When creating answers, choose information that isn’t easily found on social media or through public records.

By securing your secret question answers, you add an additional layer of protection to your online presence. Stay vigilant and keep your information safe.

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